Is the feeling of being in control a reality or an illusion?
You come to work on schedule, your mind is already thinking about your plans for the day: meetings, deadlines, specific tasks or projects you...
You come to work on schedule, your mind is already thinking about your plans for the day: meetings, deadlines, specific tasks or projects you...
Work. Some people like to work all the time and are insatiable in it. Many of them can be called workaholics. For others, work...
Even in the so-called secular business and professional world, the Bible has much to teach us. For example, Matthew 14 tells us how Jesus...
During my career, there have been many people I have sometimes referred to as “bosses”. They were the people I reported to, who hired...
In my career, I have sometimes started a business without God, and sometimes with God. That is, in some cases, I have determined what...
How would you rate your job? Is it one of the best you’ve ever had? Perhaps it suits you now, but serves as a...
Do you wish to achieve societal success? There are a number of possible approaches to achieving this goal, but one of the most proven...
The problem of an aging workforce has become a key issue for business and professional leaders in many countries. In some, including the U.S.,...
More than 26 years ago, Tim Philpot, then president of CBMC International, conceived of a weekly workplace reflection called “Manna for Monday.” At first,...
As millions of Microsoft people use its software products, valuable information about work habits is revealed. For example, surveyed employees spend an average of...
As we await the start of a new calendar year, many of us usually want to look back and evaluate the past one. How...
Ready or not, the calendar year is rapidly coming to an end. That means it’s time once again to celebrate two holidays that many...
It doesn’t matter what’s wrong. Whether you have a fever, a broken arm or a missing limb, a visit to the doctor always starts...
Dr. Richard Blackaby was speaking to a group of business and professional leaders in Iowa about the time his father Henry was invited to...
What comes to your mind when you hear the term “disciplined life”? Does it have a positive or negative meaning for you? The disciplined...
This week, the United States celebrates the annual Thanksgiving holiday. Similar holidays are celebrated on different days in other countries: Canada, Germany, Japan, Austria,...
Sometimes we hear people talk about the importance of finding a job that you enjoy. This may be a bit of an exaggeration, but...
We live in very economically unstable times. This has probably always been the case, but for a number of reasons, economic conditions now seem...
Imagine for a moment that a top manager calls a special meeting and, having brought a basin and a towel, starts washing the feet...
I was recently involved in a fascinating discussion with members of our CBMC organization’s group in another city. I had prepared an issue of...
A few years ago, a high school soccer team in Michigan, USA, canceled the last five games of the season after going 0-4 and...
Back in the mid-1800s, essayist, poet, and philosopher Henry David Thoreau made a statement that has become familiar to many of us: “Most people...
The world of business involves stressful situations: deadlines must be met, quotas calculated, goals achieved, profit margins maintained. Because of these demands, unhealthy working...
What has contributed to my success in real estate over the years is that I grew up on a farm. And that’s obvious. My...
I recently re-read Spencer Johnson, MD’s classic book, “Who Stole My Cheese?” First published in 1998, this allegory still resonates with many of us...
Among the secondary effects of the COVID-19 global pandemic, “collateral damage” included a dramatic increase in the number of people of different ages experiencing...
The global pandemic affected almost every one of us, and although the dire warnings of the disease were over, the effects of the pandemic...
My son’s basketball coach put it simply: “Don’t let high school basketball be the best or worst thing that has ever happened to you...
In the job market, we hear terms like “business leaders,” “corporate executives,” and entrepreneurs when referring to people in positions of influence and authority....
My family consisted of people who worked for themselves, owning their own businesses. I always knew I wanted to do the same thing. My...
I recently interviewed Anne Beiler, founder of Auntie Anne’s Pretzels, about the pitfalls of success. She had completed eight years of high school, was...
Perhaps more than ever, companies are facing enormous pressure to create their ‘brands’. We hear a lot about ‘brand identity’ and product recognition, the...
As a longtime investment advisor, I often hear the question, “What is the number one financial mistake many investors make?” My answer is always...
As an insurance agent, I deal with death more than anyone else. At the height of COVID-19, four of my clients died of the...
More often than we would like, we hear sad and sometimes scandalous stories of prominent leaders found guilty of immoral or unethical misconduct. Someone...
The vision of the organisation I run, Unconventional Business Network, is to see a million business leaders shaping biblical principles in their workplaces.Therefore, trust...