New Times


With grace and peace the Apostles of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ in their letters greeted those to whom their letters were addressed. This is the secret of the influence that these letters still have on their modern readers, the beloved of God, the called-out saints. We read an example of this greeting of the Apostle Paul in his letter to the Romans: “… to all you who are in Rome, beloved of God, called out saints: grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. (Romans 1:7)

The words of grace and peace are conveyed to the readers of the almanac “New Times” by the friendly team of authors, editors and publishers. It is only by the grace of God that we have collected, prepared, and published the fresh works of our contemporaries that are included in this anthology. We remind our readers that the purpose of the almanac is to give each of them the opportunity to get acquainted with new works by their favourite authors or to discover new names. And we are happy to serve poets and pro- zists by helping them to expand their readership.

The authors of the works, testimonies, and reflections included in the next issue of the New Times Almanac No. 4 (2024) currently live in different countries of the Russian-speaking dispersal, where they found themselves unwillingly. Many of the authors have lost everything they had. For most of them, their living conditions have changed: they have lost their favourite job or their newly built house; they have experienced an internal rupture with people with whom they had a long-standing friendship and cooperation; they have encountered previously unknown experiences, agony and suffering, and betrayal by loved ones. But these unbearable circumstances not only did not change their trust in the love, mercy and faithfulness of their heavenly Father, but also confirmed them in the faithfulness of His promise “… I will not leave you nor forsake you” (Hebrews 13:5).

With this trust and testimony the authors of this publication share with the readers in the hope of meeting the sincere sympathy and understanding of kindred souls.

There is no doubt that some readers, encouraged by the publications that have found their place on the pages of our almanac, will discover the literary gift that has long been in them, will look around them and will see countless evidences of the manifold grace of God, which can be spoken and written about endlessly.

We have humbly and hopefully fulfilled our part of labour and service and leave it to the grace of God to use this publication to strengthen the faith and trust of our dear readers.

The editorial board of the spiritual lyrics almanac “New Times” sincerely hopes that the reader who has not yet discovered in Jesus a priceless source of living water and an inexhaustible supply of the bread of life, will surely approach this source of grace. We thank the Lord for all the participants in the literary ministry and work who contribute to the fulfilment of our mission with their prayers, advice and donations and help us to fulfil the purpose of the literary ministry. “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. Amen.” (Revelation 22:21)

Peter Panasenko, coordinator of the “New Times” project


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  • Pjotr Abrashkyn

  • Aleksandr Atlas

  • Hryhoryi Berh

  • Olga Veligan

  • Vyktor Verkhovod

  • Elena Vykulyna

  • Andrei Dziuba

  • Aleksei Dunaev 

  • Aleksandr Kalynskyi

  • Yryna Karkhut

  • Nykolai and Vera Kytsen

  • Eduard Kurat

  • Serhei Kushnar

  • Valeryi Marukhyn

  • Pavel Ozerkov

  • Liubov Pavliuk

  • Leonyd Pysarchuk

  • Yulyia Sanko

  • Natalia Smolykova

  • Vladymyr Shyshko


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