New Times


Dear brothers and sisters!

For all of us – publishers, authors, and readers – the next edition of the New Times Almanac is intended to be a vivid testimony of God’s grace.

Each issue of the almanac allows the authors whose works find their place on its pages to share their special gift with others, while the readers, on the other hand, are given the opportunity to get acquainted with new works by well-known authors or to discover the names of those whose works they were not familiar with before.

It may well be valuable for some of the readers to discover that they have like-minded people on issues that they themselves have found difficult to articulate or express.

We hope that some of you reading these lines will discover a certain creative talent in yourselves, which in time, with due attention, labour and patience, will be able to burst into such inspiration that it will bring satisfaction not only to you, but will also result in the lines of stories, poems and other works of interest to the general public.

In preparing the editions of the New Times anthology, we have witnessed the joy of many authors who are elated to see their work in demand. We also expect that this publication will serve as a spur to action for those who, like the ancient prisoners of war of the children of Israel, who, when they were in the rivers of Babylon, hung their harps on willow trees and refused to sing the songs of Zion, saying, “How shall we sing the song of the Lord in a strange land?” (Psalm 4-136:1).

In the gospel field, every labourer is both sower and reaper. In the Creator’s domain we often reap what other labourers have sown in their time, and what we sow by the grace of our Lord may be reaped by other workers whom the Lord of the harvest will send into His field as He sees fit. Let us obey the command of Jesus Christ, “Pray therefore to the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into His harvest.” (Matthew 9:38).

Peter Panasenko, coordinator of the “New Times” project


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  • Evhenyi Bakhmutskyi

    ….Thankfulness comes naturally when things are smooth in our lives, but becomes difficult in times of hardship. But a willingness to give thanks should become a habit and a natural trait of our character.

  • Liubov Berdysheva

    What happiness: You are always with me!Though the path is hard, I have nothing to fear!I follow the path You have laid out,I know in whom I can rely!

  • Soslan Botyev

    God gives us holy feelings,He lights our hearts on fireSo that in rhyming wordsthat we may praise the Father.

  • Aleksandr Valuiskyi

    …Forgiveness and reconciliation is something that we, as human beings, are able to obtain in this life. At the very least, we can do our best to do so.

  • Halyna Vezykova

    Let the days sail away like ships in the blue,Eternity is nearer and nearer,And the star of Bethlehem shining in the distance.God’s great faithfulness.

  • Ylhar Hadzhyev

    At some point I realized that I couldn’t go on like this and I had to change everything! As if obeying an unknown instinct, I fell to my knees and prayed, “Lord, forgive me; I surrender. I recognize your power and love. From this day forward, I place my life in your hands. Forgive me if you can…”

  • Maryna Hlasko

    Let’s Live! Let’s Live! Let’s Live! Let’s live!Smiling at the dawns, raising children…To wash the dew and sow the fields,To admire the beauty of flowers in the meadows…

  • Konstantyn Honcharov

    We all want justice, so that evil and those who do it are punished. How good it is that there is a God, a just Judge.

  • Nadezhda Koriaka

    Oh, rejoice and be glad,Who seek God, who are saved!And say without ceasing:”God is great! All happiness is in Him!

  • Serhei Kulychenko

    The beast suffers, and manFrom mortal calamities weary.The 20th century was cruel,But this one is more cruel.

  • Natalyia Lansere

    We all come close at some pointTo a point of no return.To a place where the ropes have been cut,And there’s no turning back…

  • Mykhayl Loktev

    When we get to heaven, there are many surprises waiting for us there.

  • Halyna Loseva-Messmer

    I dedicated my life to following the path that God intended for me. I was no longer the same Galina. I felt a burning love for my Savior, Who had died for me on Calvary’s Cross. I knew that my heart had been renewed.

  • Valeryi Marukhyn

    My thoughts, Lord, are with You,Of the great and beautiful landWhere peace and quiet reignWhere there’s no smell of death’s storm,My thoughts, Lord, are with Thee.

  • Vladymyr Mysyn

    Of those who managed to flee Russia from the Bolsheviks, quite a few were fortunate enough to go to America.

  • Andrei Nefeld

    All friends in the neighbourhood,Each one was our own.A black and white childhoodWas still a colourful childhood.

  • Liubov Pavliuk

    His mother’s words rose again in his mind, and her warning of the end time, of the vicious life he had led. But did not everyone live a noble and holy life, and would not a loving God stop them at the right moment to give them a chance not to perish?

  • Yuryi Sypko

    Something’s not right here. I’m digging into my Bible. I say to God, “What’s the matter? Can you tell me the secret? And suddenly – here is the answer: unrighteous intentions gave rise to unrighteous deeds. Lies struck the minds of the Russian authorities, and they, deceiving themselves, went to war on Ukraine. They did evil. And God Himself interceded for Ukraine.

  • Svetlana Terebylyna

    Love everyone. Especially the onesWho are not strong enough to love.And that’s why God sends his childrenWith a message of heavenly grace

  • Nykolai Shalatovskyi

    Call me your son!You want to be a prodigal? – I’ll do anything.But receive me, Father, receive me.Into your pure bosom


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