A letter from Roland Saenz
Pastor and brother in Christ Roland Saenz
“God can place a person wherever He desires. Some God gives a minibus as a gift, and they feel God’s calling to help people get to the border. Others use their vehicles to deliver groceries and necessities to help people. They are the heroes. There are those who are called to be warriors in the military, and they give their lives for the democracy and independence of Ukraine. They are the heroes. There are those who are called to go with their children to safety while their husbands and fathers can help others and not worry about their families. Their labor is to care for the children away from the war and pray for their husbands and others. They are the heroes. There are those who are called to just survive, worry about making sure they have enough food and being in shelters and helping those around them. They weren’t drafted, they don’t have cars, they can’t travel to another country, and so they are concerned for their safety and the safety of those around them. They are heroes. Many people living in different countries, whose hearts and prayers are with Ukraine right now, feel guilty that they are not in Ukraine right now. But they know that going to Ukraine now may not be the best decision. God has placed them in the countries where they are now because He wants them to flourish where they are planted. They help financially, they help with prayer, they help with communication, they help people know that they and others care, and they tell everyone about the war and all the hardships of the situation in Ukraine… They are heroes. God has placed each person in a specific place and given each one the courage needed for the moment. Some make quick decisions and they jump right into action. But later comes burnout, depression, and exhaustion. Others can’t make a decision and become depressed and don’t know what to do… But later they can help those who are burned out and need to rest. We are all different and God can use each of us in different ways. They are heroes. We may torment people for not doing what we think they should do, or we torment others because we are afraid to torment ourselves… And we look at them and judge them at a time when we should be judging ourselves. Give freedom for people to be who God wants them to be. Realize that during this terrible war, we are all prayerful and God is working in the lives of each of us in different ways. Don’t let the actions of another bother you, but always look at what God has called you to do. Take care of children, pray, find the right connections for people, find places for people to stay, do laundry, cook a meal, find food, hold someone’s hand, find shelter for someone, share a word of hope from God… These are all heroic moments when everything around you is falling apart and people are afraid. God is with you. He is the grieving Christ who died for your sin and the sin of humanity. He took all this evil upon Himself and died. He is with us in our grief, pain, and clinging fear. He is with us in our depression and fear. He is the suffering Christ. But He is also the triumphant Christ who has triumphed over sin, death, and Satan. Nothing can defeat us, for He is the victor and He has called us to His team of victors. And so we look to the Lord and the giver of life. We look to the Lord who gives eternal life that no one can take from us. “Alpha and Omega” has been a wonderful gift from God to many hundreds of students who have come to faith in Christ and are serving in ministries around the world. In essence, the greatest hero of all is Jesus. He is your hero and mine. And everyone who believes in Him and trusts in Him, He makes a hero. I thank God for “Alpha and Omega.” Even though my heart aches for Ukraine right now and I am often in tears and often think about going to Ukraine and helping. I know that God has placed me here now to care and pray and speak to others and connect with our diaspora and love you where I am. You all are working hard to allow Christ, who loved you with an everlasting love, to love others and care for others. You all who wash clothes, who drive vans, who care for others, who cook and deliver meals, who pray, who donate finances, who live in shelters and try to survive and call out to God for help. My heroes…Praise God.”
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