I was recently involved in a fascinating discussion with members of our CBMC organization’s group in another city. I had prepared an issue of Manna for Monday about the importance of leaving an estate, and they were curious about the difference between four seemingly similar terms: heredity, legacy, legacy (bequest), and patrimony.
There are some similarities between these four terms, but they are all very different. Two of them we have little or no control over. One, maybe we can define in a significant way depending on how financially successful we are. Only one term can be recognized: largely based on the decisions we make and the relationships we establish over the course of our lives.
Heredity describes traits that are passed on genetically, such as skin and hair color, height, ethnicity, and other characteristics – physical, mental, and familial. Heritability usually refers to the culture, traditions, history and language of a society or group of people. An inheritance is something passed on to people after someone dies, usually money or material possessions.
Patrimony is the only one of the four terms that we can substantially shape, regardless of social status or wealth. Affluence consists of the lasting impact of our lives that remains long after we are gone. It can change people, organizations, and even society through values, character, and faith.
As people who spend most of our time in business, we have the opportunity to exercise leadership in one way or another. Regardless of our role in the company, whether we hold a senior leadership position or report to one or more individuals, we can leave an asset. Because the real test of leaders, whoever they are and whatever they do, is what remains after they’re gone.
I recall a presentation that a leader prepared many years ago. He explained how his previous organization was structured. Everything in the company structure was centered around him. Shortly after he left, the business collapsed like a house of cards. His “asset” (in leadership terms) was failure.
Compare this to Nelson Bell, who served as a missionary doctor in China for over 24 years. His godly daughter Ruth married a young man named Billy Graham. Together they had several children who continue in Christian ministry today, and through Ruth’s support, Rev. Graham touched millions of lives for Jesus Christ through his evangelistic campaigns and books. What a legacy Dr. Bell has left behind!
Build on a solid foundation. The world around us suggests that we can build our lives on many different foundations, but there is only one foundation that will last forever. «For no man can lay any other foundation than that which is laid, which is Jesus Christ» (1 Corinthians 3:11).
Commit yourself 100% to the purposes of Christ. As one poet wrote: «Life is one, it will soon pass away; only that which is done for Christ will be preserved». «…For by Him we live and move and exist…..» (Acts 17:28).
Invest in people. We can have a positive impact on people in many ways, but the most lasting one is making disciples and mentoring. «…and what you have heard from me in front of many witnesses, pass on to faithful men who would be able to teach others as well.» (2 Timothy 2:2).
© 2023. Robert J. Tamasi has written “Ambassadors of the Marketplace: CBMC’s Continuing Legacy of Evangelism and Discipleship”; “Business at Its Best: Timeless Wisdom from Proverbs for Today’s Workplace”; “Seeking Life with the Heart of a Shepherd,” co-authored with Ken Johnson; and “The Heart of Mentoring,” co-authored with David A. Stoddard. Bob’s bi-weekly blog: www.bobtamasy.blogspot.com.
Questions for reflection/discussion
- If you had to further articulate the differences between heredity, legacy, inheritance (bequest), and patrimony, how would you distinguish these terms?
- What has had the greatest impact on you at this stage of your life – heredity, legacy, bequest or patrimony? Explain your answer.
- Of the four terms, do you agree that patrimony is the one thing that can be passed from one generation to the next and over which we have the most control? Why yes or why no?
- How would you describe the foundation of your life, not only at work but also in the personal pursuits and endeavors you value most?
NOTES. If you have a Bible and want to read more, consider the following passages: Psalm 18:31; Isaiah 43:4; Matthew 28:19-20; Luke 6:46-49; Colossians 3:23-24.
Difficult task
As we have said, our heredity was predetermined, our personal inheritance was firmly established early in life, and the inheritance (bequest) may or may not be in our future. But the nature of the patrimony we will one day leave behind – in our homes and workplaces – is up to us. A positive, lasting patrimony is not created in isolation – we need the help and support of people we trust. Who do you know who would help you determine what kind of patrimony you might leave and how you can be successful in creating it? What steps do you need to take now to get started?