The awesome power of purpose

It doesn’t matter what’s wrong. Whether you have a fever, a broken arm or a missing limb, a visit to the doctor always starts the same way. After waiting, you are escorted into an empty room and asked to sit on a couch covered with something like the world’s loudest tissue paper. Then the examination begins. Regardless of your symptoms, the nurse always checks the same basic vitals – temperature, blood pressure, and pulse. These few small measurements, your “vital signs,” give the doctor an instant picture of your overall health.

Four P’s.: In the business and professional world, the traditional “Four P’s” are like the vital signs that a doctor measures every time you come in for a checkup. They are product, personnel, process and profit. Just as temperature, blood pressure and pulse give your doctor an idea of your overall health, the “Four P’s” will tell any good consultant or coach about the overall health of your business. Whether it’s marketing problems, falling sales, or impending bankruptcy, we know: if something is wrong, you need to look deeper.

In the field of organizational health, the “Four P’s” have served as a constant topic of discussion and insight throughout my coaching career. Whenever working with a leader or an organization seeking growth, we are sure to spend time examining the strength and resilience of each “P.”

Fifth P: The Power of Purpose. Over the years, however, I have made important changes in my approach to these conversations. I still work on the traditional four, but now they form the second part of our work. How we address areas such as product and process is guided and in a sense defined by the fifth P: purpose. Purpose or purpose defines the “consequence” of an organization. It goes beyond the “what” and the “how” to achieve something deeper – if, in fact, there is something deeper.

Purpose should be our starting point and anchor. Another way to think about purpose is to ask, “Why does your organization exist? What is the reason for its existence?” Can you answer these questions? Have you considered them? Whatever your answer is, it should be about something more than just a product, service, or profit. It should capture the essence of what motivates and compels you to work – and to work well.

Purpose or purpose, if properly articulated, is a powerful force for shaping an organization. It informs how you design products, build processes and develop staff. It even determines how you think about and utilize your profits. Unlike the other “P’s,” purpose has the potential for permanence. Market conditions can cause your offering to change. Technology can change your processes. Demographic shifts may dictate your approach to labor. Purpose will not only survive these stresses, it will shape your response to them.

If you are a person of faith, a follower of Jesus Christ, you can visualize this as a “redemptive advantage” starting with serving the Lord and then serving others. Colossians 3:23-24 says, “And whatever you do, do it heartily, as to the Lord and not to men, knowing that as a recompense from the Lord you will receive an inheritance, for you serve the Lord Christ.” Our purpose must begin with using our gifts and abilities for the glory of God.

If we are to be effective “ambassadors on behalf of Christ, and as if God himself were exhorting through us” (2 Corinthians 5:20), we must strive to distinguish ourselves from competitors who do not want to follow him. Our decisions and actions must be made in the context of Jesus’ command: «So let your light shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven» (Matthew 5:16). What greater purpose could we have?

© 2023. Dr. Stephen R. Graves describes himself as an organizational strategist, pragmatic theologian, and capitalist. He counsels executives and business owners as well as young entrepreneurs. He is the author of numerous books and articles, as well as a public speaker. His website is:

Questions for reflection/discussion

  1. Have you ever wondered why your doctor always checks your “vital functions” – blood pressure, temperature, and pulse – whenever you go for a checkup or get sick? What would you think if your doctor couldn’t check these important physical measurements?
  2. What about what Stephen R. Graves calls the “four Ps” – product, people, process and profit? Do you and your business consider these areas of measurement to evaluate organizational performance? What happens if you find weaknesses in one or more of these areas of measuring the overall health of the company?
  3. How often do you think organizations include the fifth “P” – purpose – in their periodic performance evaluations? How would you define or describe your company’s purpose? Do you think it is clear to everyone who works in the organization? Explain your answer.
  4. It is suggested for followers of Jesus Christ, especially those in positions of influence, that an important part of their overall purpose is to honor and glorify God and to serve in other ways that become a positive witness for the Lord and the gospel message? Do you agree with this? Why yes or why no?

NOTES. If you have a Bible and want to read more, consider the following passages: Psalm 37:3-6; Proverbs 3:5-6; Matthew 6:19-21,33; 1 Corinthians 10:31; Colossians 3:17

Difficult task

If you are a follower of Jesus Christ, how much does your faith in Him influence your approach to work? If you believe this area requires some effort, professional or personal, who could you ask to help you develop a list of goals to guide your decisions and actions in a way that glorifies Him? Consider scheduling a specific time and place where you can discuss this.