New Times


Christian lyricism is a world of admiration for God, the time in which we live, its uniqueness and transience! Christian reflection on life takes us beyond temporality and opens the prospect of eternity, when time will be no more! The Eternal God gives us a new perspective of existence, in which we cherish the transience of our life, realising that it is given to us for the service and glorification of the Eternal and Immutable God. The wonderful poets and prose writers presented in this edition each in their own way discover the beauty, value and uniqueness of our time.

Ivan Mileev, President of the Pacific Association of Baptist Churches


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  • Liubov Blednykh (Volodenko)

    My poems are sent to earth by the Message of love and the light of faith…

  • Olga Veligan

    How this long-awaited bread smellsWith blossoms of unearthly fragrance…On this poor, scorched earthWe have touched Jesus again.

  • Nadezhda Harkusha

    Protect me, O Lord, from unreasonable behaviour. Protect me, Lord, from idle and noisy speech.

  • Liubov Dancheva

    In this life of scarcity Or temporary riches, Send me, O God, wisdom to dream of the eternal kingdom.

  • Halyna Dzhezhula

    And in the pure stream of LoveHope rises,And in that HopeAnd in this HopeSoul…

  • Vyktor Yotko

    Believing people, when they read the testimonies described in this essay, will see the work of providence and the work of God’s grace.

  • Svetlana Yotko

    And there is no more marvellous sensationThan to be in Thy holy hand,And there’s no greater inspirationThan that which the Holy Ghost gives!

  • Yryna Karkhut

    Salvation’s door is open to thoseTo those who trustWhom Christ has foreverRedeemed by His blood.

  • Mykhayl Kozubovskyi

    And yet, cheering and laughing,No one thinks of tomorrowNo one thinks that in all thingsThere’s a law of change

  • Vladymyr Mysyn

    Of those who managed to flee Russia from the Bolsheviks, quite a few were fortunate enough to go to America.

  • Andrei Nefeld

    All friends in the neighbourhood,Each one was our own.A black and white childhoodWas still a colourful childhood.

  • Pavel Ozerkov

    For ten years we have been walking across Kamchatka.On paths and dusty roads,preaching the principles of God.

  • Vera Savchenko

    There’ll be no hostility and no warIn this city of peace and lightAnd with the breath of eternal springChrist’s church will be warmed

  • Vera Sukhumskaia

    I enter the Holy of Holies with little breath…I bow at the throne of Your grace…All the shadows of my doubts are gone….

  • Vladymyr Ulchenkov

    God does not reject us sinnersAnd gives us a chance to repent.

  • Nadezhda Khrapova

    Thinking of God’s glory,I cannot fathom whyWhy have I received the holy rightTo be called His daughter?

  • Vladymyr Sharykov

    It’s still hard for your sons.It’s only harderTo proclaim the dawn of morning,When it’s darkest.

  • Leonyd Shatokhyn

    Lord, my God, by You everything in the world is held together,In Thee are the solutions to the mysteries of existence:I’m not an orphan, a wretched and rejected orphan,But I am Thy happy child!

  • Elena Shustriakova

    You will draw your thoughts with the word of God.And if there be trials in life,♪ You’ll avoid the quicksand ♪that bring only misery…


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